Monday, October 13, 2008

good times

this has just been a wonderful day. i pretty much did nothing all morning, then took a shower and met pauline for lunch at ichiban. oh man, it was so good! i think i could eat their rice every day. yum yum.

then pauline and i went to my school so i could show her my classroom (she hadn't seen it yet) and when she left i worked for a little over 2 hours. i feel like i got so much done today, but of course there's always work to do.

now i'm getting ready to go to lake view for my dad's concert. i'm the sound person, you know! i get paid pretty well for that gig...a meal at franco's. can't beat that. and then tomorrow is the biggest day of all...


go ahead. clap for me.

1 comment:

gulp235 said...

a round of applause (for the braces)!!!