Thursday, October 16, 2008

in rare form

yes, this is another post about my darling students. today they had me almost rolling on the floor laughing. let's begin, shall we?

on one of the papers yesterday, there were about three words written and they had to come up with a rhyming word for each one. the last word was horn. two kids wrote down porn. when my aide pointed it out to me this morning, i almost spit out my coffee. try explaining to a 7 year old why they can't use that word (and for the record, i didn't explain at all. i just said, "let's see if we can come up with another word.").

in my bookcase, i have about three or four know, those flashcards with all sorts of information on them. they've been sitting there all year, but my kids have just discovered them within the last two weeks. now someone will come up to me so see if they can stump me. they think they're asking me really hard questions (what's 4+4+4+4+4?) so when i answer them correctly, i'm just the smartest person in the world! =) anyway, today one boy asked me to spell dinosaur. i said d-i-n-o-s-a-u-r. he turned away and said, "man!" he came right back and asked what s-h-a-r-k spelled. i told him shark. he looked at the girl standing next to him and said, "man, she's good!" next was a girl's turn. she asked me a math problem-some simple multiplication problem-that i answered easily. she looked at me with big eyes and exclaimed, "how do you know all this stuff? did you go to law school or something?" i could not even answer her because i was laughing so hard. it kind of makes up for the "our teacher's not very smart" comment. kind of. sort of. not really.

later i walked them to p.e. and because the coach wasn't quite ready, i sat with them for a while. one of the girls spoke up and said, "hey, miss hernandez, today's dribble day!" i wasn't quite sure what that was, so i asked her what she meant. turns out they dribble basketballs on thursdays. allllllllllrighty then. after she explained "dribble day" to me, i told them that i used to play basketball. you would have thought that i told them that i had been to the moon. they gasped and just looked at me like "yeah, right!" one boy looked at me with disbelief-"a girl? played basketball?" ohhhhhhh no he didn't!

i debated whether to put this last one on here, but it's not like you don't know i have blonde moments. here we as we were saying the pledge of allegiance, i completely spazzed. in the middle of the pledge, i started saying the pledge to another flag. totally in the middle. i stopped everyone, admitted my mistake, and tried again. would you believe it? i did it again! now i do know the pledge to the american flag, i promise! but my brain was just refusing to work. so i stopped them a second time and we started over. holy cow! i did it again! i finally had to look at someone's folder (they have all the pledges in their folders) and say the pledge of allegiance with the words right in front of me.

the good news is, tomorrow's friday!!!


Dana said...

I just love reading your funny school stories! And isn't it amazing that stuff like this happens EVERY day! Once while I was student teaching in 3rd grade the students were supposed to be making compound words from a list of about 12 or so half-words. Well one was con- and one was -dom. Sure enough one little boy put those two together and read it out loud to the class!
~Dana Sleeper

Sara the crazy red headed girl said...

ok i gotta know.... which pledge were u saying?