Thursday, March 27, 2008

another reason to look forward to tomorrow

i'm getting my hair cut tomorrow!!!

about two months before i graduated from high school, i suddenly decided that i needed to have short hair. i don't totally regret that decision, because it seems as though my naturally curly hair does better when it's shorter. but i wish i had waited until after i took my senior pictures. so for high graduation, my hair was short and curly. because of that, i wanted to have my hair long and straight for my college graduation.

mission accomplished.

my cousin mentioned last week that this is the longest she's ever seen my hair, and it occurred to meed that it is the longest it's ever been since high school. every time it got past my shoulders, i got it cut. i've enjoyed having long hair, but it's time to get it cut once again.

i'm very, very excited!

1 comment:

lisoto said...

want to see a pic of your new hairstyle....