Saturday, February 2, 2008

saturday night adventures

do you ever remember things that are really not so significant? maybe small details, maybe a random day from the past, maybe a long ago memory? i do. i seem to remember a whole lot of things. one in particular happened just last year.

it was probably a friday, because i didn't have to go into work that day (man i miss those days!). i woke up, went to the restroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, put my hair up in a ponytail, then turned on the t.v. to watch regis and kelly. i was sitting on my bed watching an interview with the girl who plays ugly betty (america something), and they were discussing the nerd stereotype. i started listening just in time to hear america say, "you know, i think that the stereotypical nerd is someone with braces, glasses, and their hair in a ponytail." i then realized that i had braces, was wearing glasses, and had my hair in a ponytail.

i may not remember everything that happened in the past year, but i remember how i felt in that a nerd!

fast forward to today, february 2, 2008. i went to chick-fil-a with some friends, and in the middle of eating and talking, my right contact started to feel funny. i started messing with it, trying to figure out what was wrong with it. finally i pulled out my contact - half of it. my contact had torn in my eye! i tried and tried to get the other half out, but i finally gave up and kept eating. after awhile, the other half came out. it was weird. i had to call my mom and have her come pick me up because i didn't think it would be smart of me to drive home with one good eye. i am now at home, with my glasses on. i can't even remember the last time i actually wore my glasses out in public, and now i have to wear them tomorrow and monday until i can pick up my contacts that have just been ordered. at least i'm really hoping they've arrived by monday.

nerd? i think so.

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