Tuesday, February 5, 2008


today's payday.

and the reason that those words aren't in all caps with 500 exclamation points behind it is because i did something last night that i haven't done ever.

i put myself on a budget.

gosh that hurt. i know, i know, i should have been on a budget long before this. but i wasn't. and i'm not about to go into the reason i wasn't. yes, there was a reason, and yes, it's really lame. but after hearing four sermons on money (thanks, dad), i felt convicted. really convicted. like i couldn't rest until i had all this stuff ironed out. so i wasted fifteen minutes looking aimlessly on the internet last night for some type of budget plan that would work for me. i finally got smart and called my dad. he told me exactly where to go (it'll be on his blog later, so keep checking) and together we put my money-spendin' self on a budget.

i hung up the phone depressed. i know this is smart. and i wouldn't be this depressed if i had done this a long time ago. i keep telling myself that it will get better. i know it will. and i realize that God will bless my efforts to better manage HIS money.

but growing up stinks.

to make matters worse, i didn't even have any dr. pepper at home to make myself feel better. and you'd better believe that dr. pepper is in the budget. i will do without a lot of things, but dr. pepper is not one of them, especially in my current depressed state!

so no more random trips to starbucks. no more fast food 3 times a week. (holy cow! i'm horrible!) no more just putting random things in my basket at wal-mart and h-e-b. i have a budget and i'm sticking to it! thank goodness this blog is free.

i think i'm gonna need a dr. pepper to keep up my strength.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha..sadly, as an adult, my most exciting time is just knowing that I'll be able to pay all my bills. The older you get the more bills you have..oh and just wait till you have to start paying back your college loans. That will make you depressed REAL fast! Can't wait to check out your budget website!