Wednesday, February 6, 2008


i could be shopping right now, but instead i'm sitting with the kids who have to serve detention today. i even worked hard to get all of my papers graded and everything ready to go so i could leave as soon as my kids did. then my principal came in and asked if i could cover detention for another teacher who is sick today. normally it wouldn't bother me at all (well, i'm not really all that bothered) but another teacher just told me that payless is having a huge sale! she said that they have the kind of shoes that i've been wanting for a while but haven't been able to afford...until now.

i'm not a happy camper.

at this school, the "detentionees" have to write a paper that includes four components:
  • the reason/reasons the student received the detention
  • what the student could be doing instead of serving detention
  • who was inconvenienced by the student having to serve detention and how they were inconvenienced
  • what the student will do in the future to prevent getting another detention

i told them that under the 3rd component, they could put that they were inconveniencing me because i had planned to go to payless to get some cute shoes that just happen to be on sale (yes, they're in the budget!).

one of the students just asked me where the sale was. he really is putting it in his paper! oh man, i can't wait to read their papers...

but i'm still ticked that i can't go the mall.

oh well, i'll get over it.

has it occurred to anyone else that i totally complain about trivial things? sorry...(not sorry enough to stop though)


kj said...

oh, yucko!

hope you get 'em soon! :)

Betty said...

I could tell you were not happy when I got to your room.

Unknown said...

oh my gosh..I was rolling at this post! I love that you told them about Payless..hahaha