Monday, February 4, 2008

in a nutshell

i was in pain. literally.

i don't think i had ever worn my glasses for more than an hour at a time, so wearing them all day yesterday gave me a huge headache. i finally got used to it this morning, by which time my sweet momma drove across town and picked up my contacts and drove back to give them to me. during my first conference (yes, i said my first conference-be jealous!) i went to the bathroom and put in my contacts. it just happened to be the time that first grade was taking a bathroom break. fun. then i felt dizzy for about 20 minutes after that because i wasn't used to wearing them. ay ay ay!

today was so great though. i was in the middle of teaching reading when the other 3rd grade teacher came in and placed a cup of ice and a dr. pepper on my desk. when i looked up, she said, "just because."

so yes, sarah, the other teachers apparently know that i drink at work!

she is my new favorite person of all time.

my kids were pretty good. the talking was kept to a minimal (always good) and the whining was considerably less than usual. everyone finished their math paper today, which hasn't ever happened. i even got them all graded before they went home. again, that has never happened. i just got so much work done because they worked so well today. and tomorrow we get to wear jeans! woo hoo!

so now i'm just killing time until 4:30. why? because joey's bringing me a snack from sonic! yessssssssss.

i guess i could start editing the book reports, but....


1 comment:

SarahMc said...

I feel better that your problem is out in the open, but I am not sure about the enabling that you are going through.