Friday, February 22, 2008

another ordinary day

two things stick out in my mind from yesterday.

1) after giving the spelling pre-test, i told the class they could look over their paper before they turned it in. a boy in the back row raised his hand and asked, "with or without our spelling book?" i bit back an automatic and oh-so-sarcastic reply while another boy turned around and exclaimed, "you can't check it with your book! that's called cheating! gaaaaaaaawwww!"

2) in history, we played a review game. i told each team to pick a number between 1-100. after they told me their numbers, i told them the number was 45. squanto, sign-bearing boy looked at me and said, "did you pick 45 because that's how old you are?"

oh no. oh noooooooo.

in an attempt to make me feel better, another boy said, "she doesn't look like she's 45! she looks like she's in her 30s."


while the class was debating my age (i was in too much shock to calm them down), one of the shyest girls looked at the boy next to her and said, "i think miss hernandez looks 16."

did i mention that the boy next to her was "squanto?" he, of course, quieted the class and announced to the class that i was 16.

thank you, squanto. thank you.


Unknown said...

um, I'm pretty sure that this is one of the funniest posts I've read in a while! 45..geez

Betty said...

Wait till you get to my age (36). I tell my students I am 99 - and they believe me!!!!