Saturday, January 26, 2008

i am officially an old woman

i'm one of those people who HATES to get up early. i'll stay up late and wake up late any day. the morning and i just don't get along. a couple of weeks ago my dad was preaching on mark 1:35, where it says that Jesus got up very early in the morning to pray, while it was still dark. he pointed out that the reason that the Bible was very specific about it being still dark is because some people think that very early in the morning is 10.

i am one of those people.

and then i chose a profession where i not only have to be up early, but i have to plan for my days and be awake throughout the day. i am so smart.

i really do like teaching. and i love where i'm teaching (who wouldn't after a day like yesterday?!). but the dawning of a new era in my life has brought about the sad death of another era: staying up late.

i want to stay up late and talk with my friends. i love doing that. and for some reason we can't ever do anything earlier in the evening. but we don't even have to do anything these days. i just want to hang out. but can i do that? um, apparently not. case in point:

kelli and i went over to sarah's house last night about 10:30. i hadn't seen here since monday night, so i was wanting to catch up on how her nursing class was going. we hadn't even been there an hour when i fell asleep on her couch. that's right-i couldn't keep my eyes open so i closed them and fell asleep. the next thing i heard was kelli saying, "um, beth? are you ready to go?"

i guess so. i came home and crashed.

i'm an old lady.


1 comment:

SarahMc said...

Wait until you want to yell at the neighbor kids for almost stepping on your newly planted flower bed...I'm right there with you Beth.