Thursday, January 10, 2008

and the paper trail begins...

when i was student teaching in 4th grade, the teacher would always sit at her desk at the end of the day and say, "and the paper trail begins." she meant that she had a mountain of papers to grade or go through before they went home to the parents. she would look at me and say, "this is the part of the job you won't enjoy."

she wasn't kidding.

after working in my classroom for about an hour doing lesson plans and grading papers, i packed my school bag with my to do list for tonight-finish lesson plans and grade reading and history questions. am i finished? not even close. i got home at 9:30 tonight, and it's the earliest i've been home all week.

who wants to come over and help me grade? anyone?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and this is why I teach kindergarten ;0)