Thursday, January 3, 2008

embarrassing moment #7531

yes it's true-i've managed to embarrass myself yet again.

i had a eye doctor's appointment today. i assured my mom that i had the insurance card, so when i got to the office, i handed it to the lady. she made a copy of it and gave it back to me. i went through the whole exam, which took A LOT longer than i expected but was still pretty painless, then got ready to pay. as i handed the lady the card, i asked her some questions about how much my insurance would cover if i decided to go back and get a new pair of frames (i really, really want new frames). she looked at the copy of my card, looked at it again, then finally asked someone else to help her. another lady came, glanced at my chart, then looked up at me. with a big grin on her face she said,

"this is your dental plan!"

um...what?! i, bethany hernandez-TEACHER-gave the lady my dental insurance card at the eye doctor's. obviously this visit was overdue. waaaaay overdue.

ironically, i want to get my master's as a reading specialist. that cannot happen soon enough.

both ladies were very gracious. i'm sure they laughed at me, but at least they waited until i left.

and i walked out with new contacts. everyone can breathe easier now.

1 comment:

gulp235 said...

must not be that bad because they took the card in the first place and even made a copy of it!!!