Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the sweetest thing

yesterday i had the opportunity to see something that just melted my heart.

after school was over, we were standing outside waiting for the parents to come get their kids. there was one cute kindergarten girl who was sitting close to me, her arm wrapped around a pole as she stared off into space. i noticed a lady walking up to her, a camera aimed at her the whole time. it took me a while, but i finally figured out that the lady was this girl's mother. the whole time she had her camera on her daughter, and finally she called her name to get her attention. the little girls looked up, and behind her mother she saw her father-her father who is in the military and has been gone for a while. her face lit up and she ran to him and jumped in his arms while yelling, "DADDY! DADDY!" she put her head on his shoulder while he rocked her back and forth, obviously thrilled to be holding his daughter again.

i got teary-eyed. my aide got chills. and one cute little girl was happy to see her daddy again.

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