Wednesday, March 4, 2009

breakfast, anyone?

i'm not gonna lie-this has been a rough week. i think some evil person told my whole class that since it's so close to spring break, they don't have to work or behave. in fact, they can just be downright rude and disrespectful and fight with each other and give miss hernandez gray hairs (plural-gray hairs).

but today one of my students gave me a reason to laugh. oh, hallelujah.

we've been learning how to write creative stories, which has for today's language lesson, they had to write four things they like to eat for breakfast. then they had to write two sentences about what they like to eat for breakfast. then, on the bottom of the page, they had to draw a picture of-you guessed it-what they like to eat for breakfast. i had some really good papers. i had some average papers. i had some not-so-good-what-the-heck-is-breakfast papers. but my favorite was one boy's paper. at the top of the page, two of the four things he wrote were eggs and bacon.

his first sentence was "wakey, wakey, eggs and bacey."

i actually didn't see his paper first; my aide did and she was laughing so hard that she couldn't stop to tell me what was so funny. every time she opened her mouth she would start laughing again, and when she finally read it to me, i couldn't stop laughing. i called the boy who wrote that to my desk, and we asked him if that's what his mom told him. he got embarrassed until we said that we thought it was cute. then he grinned and said that yes, sometimes his mother told him that when she was trying to wake him up. so cute. so stinkin' cute.


[erin] said...

he he... we've been writing this week too beth! today they had to retell a fairy tale from a characters point of view- they were so cute, i was really proud of them! thank goodness for the little things that make you laugh and smile throughout tough weeks, huh?!? hurry up spring break! lol :)

Unknown said...

that might be one of the funniest things I've ever heard..haha