Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i'll keep them one more day

there are days that i feel like teaching is just one big emotional roller coaster. the past two weeks have been crazier than ever. last week was such a bad week, but this week has been so much better.

today, though, i decided i would keep my kids for one more day.

i was handing out some work when my kids asked when they were going to music. i told them that it was canceled for the day so they wouldn't be able to go. of course, i braced myself for the shock and horror on their faces.

"what happened?"
"what are we gonna do?"

in the midst of their ongoing tirade, one cute little boy looks at me, raises his arms, and says with a big grin, "yay! more miss hernandez time!"

he gets candy for the rest of the year.

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