Saturday, November 29, 2008

the kindness of strangers

like i said earlier, i had to get the oil changed in my car today. (okay, actually it had to be done earlier, but i kept forgetting. oops.) anyway, if you get gas at town & country, then you can save the receipt for a dollar off an oil change. the most receipts you can collect is 10 receipts, for a total of $10 off. pretty nifty, eh? anyway, for some reason i didn't have 10 receipts in my car, which made me kinda sad. i had 6, which still wasn't bad. i mean, that's $6 i don't have to pay, right? however, being the forgetful person that i am, i forgot to get the receipts out of my car when i dropped it off. i was annoyed but not upset.

as i was sitting in the waiting area watching the virginia vs. virginia tech football game (like i care), a man with his teenage son came up to me. the man asked me if i was getting my oil changed, and when i said that i was, he asked, "have you paid out yet?" after i told him i hadn't, he handed me a stack of receipts while he explained, "i have these receipts that you can give them for $10 off the price of the oil change. you can have them." i sat there in shock for a while before i realized that he was still holding the receipts out, so i took them. after i thanked him, he just shrugged and said, "well i have a whole stack of them and nothing to do with them."

i was so touched that he would just hand them out when he could have saved them for a later time. it's inspired me to be a blessing to someone else.

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