Monday, August 13, 2007

two weeks

two weeks. that's all i have left of my fabulous job.

i feel like i'm losing a part of myself. this has been an amazing job with a great boss. and it's ending. next week marks 3 years that kelli and i have been coming to ch. 1/chi alpha. they've been an incredible 3 years. i know that i'm just student teaching, but i'm scared that once i graduate, nothing will be the same. i hope that i'll be able to at least come on monday nights, but not being able to be involved as usual will just kill me. i want to teach a small group; i want to go on the retreats; i want to hang out at starbucks until two hours after they close (theoretically, of course!). we have amazing outreaches planned, but i won't be on campus. i'll be out molding young minds...scary, i know.

but at the same time, i know that this semester marks the beginning of something wonderful. i'll be able to use my education (the one that took a little longer than i planned), and after this semester i'll have, as my dad calls it, a real job. i won't be a broke college student anymore. i'll just be a broke teacher :) actually, i think "broke teacher" is redundant. but i'll have a chance to teach children how to read, write, and form great habits that will hopefully carry them through a successful life.

i just wish it didn't have to come at the expense of my current job which i love so much. but maybe, just maybe student teaching won't be as bad as i've heard and i'll be able to attend some ch. 1 stuff.

i don't think a dr. pepper is gonna make me feel better this time...

(but i'll still try)

1 comment:

gulp235 said...

aww beth... we are going to miss you. now i won't have you to bug to change my address and ask why i don't get ch1 postcards. =( but at least we'll still get to see you. i bet you'll love student teaching as well!