Monday, August 6, 2007


i discovered something odd about myself recently.

when i cry, more tears come out of my right eye than my left eye. and having the type-a personality that i have, it really bothers me. i wish the same amount of tears would come out of both eyes.

now every time i cry this will annoy me.

great, just great...


Betty said...

You had me crying on your earlier "Seth" post.... now, after reading this one, I'm going to have to check which eye has more tears. You are hilarious, Bethany. Love ya!

gulp235 said...

so i'm curious to know how you found this out... and the one about your little cousin seth is awesome! little kids have a true heart for Jesus!

Josiah said...

beth, youre weird! but i still love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Court said...

wonderful observation....