Thursday, August 16, 2007

it's official

i'm definitely student teaching this semester.

i got an e-mail from the school this morning saying that my application had been approved. i knew it was coming, but i was NOT expecting the emotions that took over in less than a second.

i'm incredibly sad. my college life will be over in a few months. everything that has been familiar, comfortable, and routine will no longer be there. i won't sit in the university center with the girls and talk about our schedules, our private lives, our not-so-private problems. i won't sit next to kasey in choir (why this hits me now instead of when she graduated is beyond me). i won't be able to see the basketball games for free. this is the last time i'll have an entire month off for christmas, unless i get a job right away. why, when i can see the light at the end of this really long tunnel called college, do i feel like crying?

i'm incredibly nervous. i know i've gone through field experiences before, but i'm pretty sure it's nothing like student teaching. what if i find out i'm not cut out for it? what if i'm the worst student teacher ever? what if something keeps me from graduating? or worse, what if i get into student teaching only to find out that i don't really like teaching? um.....

i'm incredibly excited. i finally graduate in december! i've been here for uh...awhile now, and it's time to move on. for a few months after changing my major, i was really mad at myself for not going into education right out of high school. but if i had done that, i wouldn't have the friends i have now. i never would have worked in the art & music department and met jaxine and dr. scott. i would be deprived of so many memories that i now hold dear. they are memories i will hold onto when i enter this new phase of my life. i have no clue what i will be doing, but i know that God will be by my side through it all.

1 comment:

kj said...

you will be completely amazing in student teaching. and although it is a lot harder than your other experiences in the classroom so far, you will love it. those kids will be even more in love with you than before, and you with them. teaching is a good thing, and before long, you will know that for sure, for you.

i love you and i'm proud of you.