Saturday, August 11, 2007


today, two of my good friends graduated from asu. i'd have their pictures on here, but yours truly, being the smart person that she is, didn't take her camera with her to the graduation. smart girl...

i started college with jenna; we were both music majors together. she was another girl that i became close friends because we came from similar backgrounds. we still have things in common, like changing our major. i'm so stinkin' proud of her. (and i'm proud of the outfit she picked out for today. super cute.) i have seen how she and her family have struggled through different issues-extremely hard circumstances-but they have never wavered in their faith. She is so encouraging to me. my favorite memory of her was when we went on a trip to houston with some other vocal majors. we knew only each other and i was scared out of my mind. it was great to have jenna there with me. we had fun, but we also had a great talk in which shared with one another our desires to serve God in the ministry. by the way, she's doing what she love to do-lead worship at her church. and i know she's doing a phenomenal job. i love you, jenna.

then there's mari. i haven't known her very long, but she is one cool person...and smart, too! she is wise beyond her years. it must have something to do with being a pastor's kid :) she's taking over my job when i start student teaching, and i know she will do a great job. i have loved getting to know her better these past few weeks. she amazes me.

as i was sitting at graduation, i thought to myself, "i can't wait until i graduate."

then it hit me:



1 comment:

Rebekah Collette said...

Yeaaa December graduates rock!!! I had oodles fun hanging out with you this weekend. See ya monday:)