Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i got it!!!!

thanks to a unexpected, generous check, today i was able to buy the camera that i've been wanting. i picked this camera out in october, but i couldn't afford it then.

dad, kelli, joey, ryan and i went to store after store looking for this camera. unfortunately, it was sold out at best buy and target, and i couldn't find it at office max or sears. we decided that our last two stops would be office depot and wal-mart, even though i didn't hold out much hope for either one. when we got to office depot, my dad asked the guy if they had the camera that i wanted. he looked, and lo and behold-they had it! not only that, i got it for $30 less than i would have gotten it at target, best buy, or wal-mart! i'm excited about that kind of a deal. so i went to wal-mart and got a camera case and a memory card (the camera came with one but the memory wasn't big enough). i'm super excited about my purchase, so expect more picture posts. we'll start with one that i have been promising for quite a while now: my not-so-new-anymore car.



Unknown said...

don't you LOVE it when that happens?! Now, you just need to show us a picture of your new camera!

gulp235 said...

yay! you got it!