Saturday, December 6, 2008

because my printer is really slow...

i now have extra time to blog about school.

i have cute kids. you know that. i know that. the rest of the world knows that. i'm already amazed at the improvement that they've shown since the beginning of the year. it's pretty major.

but then we have days like tuesday, where all their genius seems to be more of a fleeting moment.

we were reading a story in reading group about how a little girl was upset that it was raining and she couldn't go outside and play. her mom comforted her by telling that she could have sunshine on the inside. so the girl spends her day helping around the house and finds out that helping others brings her happiness-thus, "sunshine on the inside." after the story was over, i asked how the little girl made sunshine on the inside. one of my super-smart girls looked at me like i was so dumb for not getting it and calmly stated,

"she turned on the light."

poor, dumb miss hernandez.

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