Monday, June 30, 2008

um...we eat a lot

one of my favorite things to do is eat at my wita's (grandma's) house. i've grown up with mexican food-authentic mexican food. i get the real thing, not this fake stuff they try to pass off as mexican food at some restaurants. it's why i order chicken tenders when i go to mexican restaurants; nothing compares to my wita's cooking.

jealous much?

anyway, occasionally on sunday nights after church our whole family will go to my wita's house to have breakfast for dinner. you know: eggs, papas (potatoes-hers are the baist!), beans, bacon, and tortillas. last night was one of those nights. there's nothing like eating around the table, talking and laughing with your family. love it. as we were enjoying our meal, wita turned from the stove and began telling us how much food we went through:

1 1/2 dozen eggs
5 lbs. potatoes
3 pkg. bacon

(and that's because we were missing about 7 other people from the family.)

we were quiet for a second. someone said, "that's a lot of food."

then we all went back to eating.


lisoto said...

WELL isn't that special?!? Lionel, Cheli & I had sangwiches for supper. NOT FAIR!!

Betty said...

I love breakfast for dinner! Were they homemade tortillas?

Bethany Hernandez said...

sadly, they were not. it's ok...the rest of the food made up for it!