Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a nice surprise

on my way home from work, i got a really nice surprise.

i had just cranked up the radio when my phone rang. it was one of my best friends, amanda. we have been friends since the third grade and since she got married last september i haven't talked to her much. um, since like september. yikes! she knew all the important stuff, like i graduated and got a job.

anyway, it was so great catching up. i'm so, so bad at keeping up with my friends (i really hope they still consider me their friend) but with amanda it's never mattered. we even talked about how months will go by without us talking, but when we do it's like time hasn't even passed.

but honestly, i do need to get better about keeping in touch with my friends.

so all this time that we haven't talked resulted in an hour and 17 minutes of talking. that's really not a long time considering that we used to spend every day together in school and still talked 2 hours on the phone after school. i've never been one to run out of things to say =)

i feel so blessed to have a friend like amanda. since we've known each other since the third grade, you could say that we're pretty close. she's set me straight when i needed it. called me on my incredibly stupid mistakes. encouraged me and reminded me of God's amazing forgiveness when those mistakes came back to bite me. even now, with miles separating us, our friendship is still strong. i love you, amanda!

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