Tuesday, June 3, 2008

there's blonde, and then there's platinum

kelli and i have been busy lately...having blonde moments of our own. i'll let you decide who gets the prize:

sunday night a group of us went to eat at sunset grill after church. after i ordered, i put the receipt in my wallet and sat down. when i realized that i needed to listen to my number, i took my wallet out to look at the receipt. i couldn't find the number anywhere and just continued to stare at the receipt until i finally said, "i can't find my number! why can't i find my number?!" kelli leaned across the table, glanced at my receipt, and calmly replied, "that's because that's the receipt to wok and rice." oh.

as kelli and i were driving to pick up my aunt from work yesterday, i (very randomly) turned to kelli and said, "hey! wouldn't it be cool if our husbands were brothers?" kelli looked at me with a look nothing short of disgust and said, "ew! that means we would be related...oh wait..." too late. i was already laughing hysterically.

imagine that, sisters who are related. who woulda thunk it?!

1 comment:

Betty said...

I think Kelli won this one. :-)