Monday, June 18, 2007

welcome to "the brace place"

as most of you know, i have braces. not my favorite thing in the world, but hey, it builds character. i can't wait to get them off (september?) and when they do come off, i will have some insanely perfect teeth. woo hoo!

but my heart goes out to my sister. she's getting braces put on today...right now, in fact. i remember how much in pain i was (probably because i was older when i got mine put on) and i hope that hers isn't even a fraction of that. i know that its only temporay and that the payoff is huge.

does this sound like i'm being a big baby? well maybe i am. i just don't like it when my family is in pain, physical or otherwise. so, would you please say a prayer for her?

1 comment:

Jehu Hernandez said...

Kelli looks beautiful!