Friday, June 29, 2007

it's a girl!!!!!

okay, i've known about this for 4 days already, but i'm just now having a chance to post this: my cousin and his wife are having a girl!!!! i'm so excited for them, and i think the next few months are going to be torture until i can meet my new cousin. i'm sure they feel the same way too!

hannah-you're going to make a wonderful big sister! i know that your little sister will look up to you and admire you. make sure to tell her all the secrets to getting what you want from edward :)

theresa-i'm so glad that edward married you. i'm proud to call you my cousin. you're already a great mom, and i know that this little one will be blessed to have you and edward as parents.

edward-i have to be honest...i wasn't sure this day would come at all! but i'm so proud of the way that you've allowed God to work in your life. He has blessed you with a great wife and daughter, and now you'll have 2 daughters (i won't envy you at all when they're teenagers). somehow i have this feeling that your poor daughters won't even be able to talk to boys (now where would i get that idea?!). but know that i'm always praying for you, theresa, hannah, and the little one. i love you.

1 comment:

WeWoLee said...

Ahh- Beth I hope she just as beautiful as YOU!! How much were you charging for babysitting again?! I am ecstatic and nervous and truly blessed. I wonder what feature she will have of me...hmmm maybe my toes- WONDERFUL!!-- ;) ....Hannah is excited and HaPPy as well- Theresa is swollen HappY. I can't wait to change her diaper....oh wait maybe I ca.......PS no more GOLF!!