Thursday, September 25, 2008

this never stops

so today was picture day at school. i really liked that our photographer had set up outside by some greenery, especially since it was such a nice day today.

my kids were doing such a good job standing in line quietly without causing too much damage to each other. i should have known that it wouldn't last. sure enough, i heard one my girls yell,


yes, one of my little darlings took her red marker and colored her lips.

i called her over, but i couldn't even say anything to her because i was in so much shock. there it was in all its glory. red, red lips. finally after about a minute of silence, she said, "do you want me to go wash it off?"

my brain kicked in and i replied, "yes! please go wash it!"

oh my. oh my.


lisoto said...

That is SO funny!! kelli does stuff at home to dumbfound sometimes and now ur kids do the same thing to you at work.

kj said...

and...welcome to first grade...

Betty said...

Thank you for the laugh! I so needed it.

SarahMc said...

You should have let her take her picture like that!