Tuesday, April 15, 2008

need a yard guy?

one of my sweet little boys informed me this morning that his dad let him mow their yard this weekend. you could tell he was so excited about it by the way he was talking. later on, i was listening to about five of the kids talk about yardwork (don't ask me why). suddenly this boy's eyes lit up and he said, "miss hernandez! i can do your yard! just tell me where you live and i can come do it."

um.....sweet offer, right?!

when i informed him that there was already someone who does my yard, another girl piped up and said, "you can do my yard! but it has to be cheap because my mom just lost her job." i was suddenly interested to see where this conversation was going. the boy looks up as if thinking, then says,

"okay, $20 for the front yard and $10 for the back."

"no way! that's too expensive!"

"how 'bout $15 for the front and $15 for the back?"

it was here that i saw my teaching career take a nosedive. on one hand, i was completely mortified that he didn't figure out the math. the boy can do equations, fractions, mixed numbers, you name it. he's one of the top math students. on the other hand, it was hilarious to see his hopeful face, just knowing his friend was going to agree. i was saved from laughing out loud because another girl had already started. i looked at him and said, "sweetie, $15 plus $15 is the same as $20 plus $10."

his reaction was a sheepish grin and "i knew that."

he was just making sure that we knew our math. that's what it was.


1 comment:

gulp235 said...

that is stinkin hilarious!