Wednesday, April 9, 2008

an endless cycle

this whole week i have had trouble staying awake in school. like while i'm teaching. bad, bad teacher.

i've had coffee. i've popped the tab on a dr. pepper at 8:30 in the morning (it was a gift from one of my students, and she wanted me to drink it right then - i can't deprive her of that pleasure). i've tried my hardest to go to bed earlier than usual. yet here i sit, 10:36 p.m., blogging away as though i don't have to get up early tomorrow.

have i mentioned that i'm slow about a few things?

but tonight, there are several things on my mind. manipulative people, horrifying situations, missed opportunities - it's thoughts like these that make me even more aware of my need for a Savior. and it's thoughts like these that keep me on my knees.

1 comment:

Adri said...

so, we went to school together, maybe I met you at chapter one? this is adriana. anyway, we both graduated in december, and i still haven't gotten the hang of going to be early, either. i'm soooo tired all the time! we'll figure it out somehow ;)