Tuesday, December 11, 2007

sorry about the lack of posts

it's just that i've been so busy. sleeping late and taking naps all day really wears you out. ok, i'll quit now.

i DO have something exciting to blog about. the reason i haven't yet is because i'm not sure that it's supposed to be public information yet. i mean, it hasn't kept me from blabbing to all my friends, but that's because i saw them last night and couldn't help myself. putting it in writing, no matter how informal, seems to be a whole different ordeal for me. maybe soon i'll know if i can share it with the rest of the blogging world, k?

i know you're dying of curiosity. i just know it. please try to contain yourself.

oh yeah, i got something. i bought my cap and gown yesterday! what was really neat was that two people saw me walking around with it in the bookstore and said congratulations. isn't that sweet? look for pictures of me trying it on-that is if i can ever get my lazy self out of bed. now it seems real. now i can't wipe the grin off my face. now i'm worried about tripping when i cross the stage.

oh goodness...

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