Wednesday, April 1, 2009

next year is "the" year

there are so many things that i love about first graders. the way they concentrate over a new concept. the way they sit when they want to get noticed for behaving. the way they help each other out like the sweet kids they are (lasts about 5 minutes, but i take what i can get). but i think that one of my favorite things is their quirky sense of humor. today i was having a conversations with one of my boys when out of the blue he changed the subject.

"miss hernandez?"


"i think that you're going to get married in 2010."

"really? why 2010?"

"just because."

"but what about 2009? doesn't 2009 sound good? it does to me."

"nah. 2010 just sounds like a better year."

it took all of my willpower not to drop everything and yell TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW NOW!

but seriously, little-boy-who-for-some-reason-is-obsessed-with-my-not-so-love life, tell me what you know. because i know where you live.


mari said...

haha! I lost it at "tell me what you know!"

Mrs. Murphy said...

interesting? i'm glad you like working with 1st graders, because i could never do it, all day every day!!

Jason and Jenna Jones said...

I am laughing SOOOOO hard right now.