Tuesday, July 22, 2008

romans 8:28

if you don't know this already, you do now. i went to a small, private school all my school life. well, not kindergarten but i was there from 1st-12th grade. a looong time.

one of the things that i loved about going there was the devotion of the teachers. they were not only wonderful teachers; they were men and women of God. i cannot even begin to describe the impact that they had on my spiritual life. because it was such a small school, everyone knew everyone else's business. so fun. but we, as students, had an open door into our teachers' lives, and that gave us the opportunity to see that they practiced what they preached.

it wasn't until i was a freshman in college that i truly appreciated my school background. college was a slap in the face for me. gone were the teachers who prayed for me on a daily basis. gone were the encouragements and the all-around comforting feeling of being surrounded by christians.

but now one of my old teachers, one who has been a school favorite of parents and teachers for many years, is going through a horrible tragedy. her world has been completely shattered. this teacher whom i have looked up to for years is having to cope with something that no one should have to cope with, and it hurts my heart. i can't bear to see her in this much pain. i've always known that God keeps His promises. i cling to romans 8:28. but this one has me asking "how?" how on earth could something good happen from this?

so i ask for your prayers. please pray for God's comfort, His strength, and His wisdom. pray that His will would be revealed in all of this. and pray that we all get through this.

1 comment:

gulp235 said...

this is definitely in my prayers... it's such a tragic situation... hope you're doing okay.