Wednesday, July 9, 2008

oh what fun

it's band camp time again. apparently i can't get away from it. sunday was pure mayhem. let's just say that there some things that were unexpected. but we got through it!

i don't mind because working band camp means more thoughts about my uncle osiel. this morning some band directors were in the office talking about band stuff (which is all greek to me), and i could just imagine my uncle sitting there. i miss him so much.

other than the sounds of 250+ middle school and high school students who act like they've never seen an instrument in their life, things are quiet around here. i've had nothing to do since yesterday afternoon. that's what i get for being so productive monday and yesterday morning. well, for jaxine making me be so productive the past two days. darn....

i could so use a nap right now. i haven't had to work an 8-hour day in over a month. what am i going to do when i have to go back to school? um...let's not think about that right now.

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