Monday, May 5, 2008

apparently not that tired...

kelli and i figured out what nerds we are tonight at the store.

remember kelli? the girl with nonexistent blog? somebody talk to her...she's not listening to me!

so here's the deal: kelli got her tax refund yesterday and i got paid today, so we set off to buy groceries. it was kind of a big deal because for the first time in a while, we were actually going to split the total cost in half (don't ask-long story). last night we made our little list (yes, we are "list people") and this evening set out for our neighborhood heb. kelli had already told me how much she could spend, so her goal was to spend about $15 less than that and i would match it. the verdict?

we got freakishly close to the goal. i went $2 over, and kelli went $5 over-which was basically $10 less than what she could spend. are you following at all? bottom line: we did much better than we thought we would. or could. AND we're using coupons. i feel so frugal!

the funny part came when kelli's total rang up. when kelli saw that both of us were pretty darn close to what we wanted to spend, she said,"yay! we stayed within our budget!" our bagger laughed at us. poor girl. she must not know what it's like to be on a budget. she has no idea what she's missing.

later after we had put the groceries away, we were watching t.v. when kelli turned to me and said, "i'm still excited about how well we did at the grocery store." i totally agreed with her. it was a big deal for us. i know. we're nerds.

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