Wednesday, September 15, 2010

guilt. to the nth degree.

every time i get on the internet it mocks me.

i can't believe it's been over 7 (8) months since i've blogged. what can i say? i think you've heard every pitiful excuse out there. and what made me start blogging again? well, a number of things.

we'll start with number 1: guilt. i'm not stupid...or delusional. i know that there wasn't a mass of people waiting for me to update my blog. in fact, i'm sure some of you quit checking my blog about 7 months back. "oh that girl," you said about me, "she's always promising to blog more and she never does. what could she possibly be doing that takes up so much time that she can't blog?" well, the answer is....nothing. ok, there are SOME things that have taken up a lot of time (we'll revisit those things later-if you can believe that). but overall, no-i'm not too busy to blog. I started to feel bad because quite a lot has happened in the past few months, and i hadn't bothered to let the world know of it (or the few who will actually figure out that i came out of hiding). the thing is, i like checking other people's blog. love it, actually. buutttt....i never got around to updating mine. i'm truly sorry. really i am. no really! forget it....

reason #2: my friend amy started a blog and it inspired me to start up again. i know i'm going to have so much fun reading her blog, because her children are hilarious! that pretty much sums up why i'm blogging again. of course, the real test is if i can keep this up at all.

see ya in january! (just kidding)

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