Friday, November 16, 2007


i have an autistic boy in my room. i had seen him around the school before i started in 4th grade, but didn't know he would be in my 4th grade room. at first i was really nervous, but it's proved to be a great experience. he's extremeley bright, enough to know what is appropriate and inappropriate at school. so when he says or does something just to get a reaction, i just look the other way. but what i love is how the rest of the class takes care of him. they don't want him getting in trouble. they always make sure he has his books and other things he needs for school.

as he walked into the classroom yesterday morning, one of the girls went up to him and said, "hey, did you get a haircut?" his response was,

"no, i washed it."

her eyes wide, she looked at me and whispered, "has he really not been washing his hair this whole time?"

"don't worry-he has" i whispered back.

and then i went to my desk and laughed. hard.

i just love that boy.

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