Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy turkey day!

yay, it's thanksgiving! i love thanksgiving because 1) it gives me a great excuse to stuff myself and 2) i'm reminded of all things God has blessed me with.

my first blessing is my family. there's a movie where the girl is telling the guy, "you know that family where is everyone is out of their mind but at the end of the day they're still your family and you love them? that's not my family." i laughed hard when i first heard that, but it's so not true. well, half of it isn't anyway! i love my family. you put all of us together and it will take approximately five seconds for us to start getting on each other's nerves, but we still love each other. we pray for each other, defend each other, and help each other out. there's nothing i couldn't do without my family.

then, naturally, there are my friends. i know everyone says this, but i think i have the best friends anyone could ask for. these are the people who make me a better person just by being around them. they are godly, strong, and overall great friends. they are the ones who pray for me and call to check on me. today i got text messages from some of them just to say happy thanksgiving. i think that choosing to go to ch. 1 back in august of '04 was one of the best decisions i've ever made. i love them and thank God for them.

my home church is pretty awesome. we aren't perfect, but we're so darn close! they honored us last week for pastor appreciation day (more on that later), but they never had to do that. we are blessed to be their pastors. i look forward to every time we meet because everyone is so encouraging. thank you, God, for solid rock church and all of those wonderful people.

school had been so hard but so worth it for me. i feel as though God has really blessed me in this area. i got a great school to student teach at, two wonderful and positive cooperating teachers, and an encouraging supervisor. it hasn't been a piece of cake, but i can feel God literally giving me strength as i walk through the doors every morning (at 7 am! this is so not right...). student teaching has been such a huge blessing to me in so many ways, and there is no way i could explain it well on a blog right now. and speaking of student teaching...

I'M GRADUATING NEXT MONTH! i spent part of this evening putting my invitations together and starting to address them (i need your address-you know who you are). as i was folding them and putting them in envelopes, i was reminded of my freshman year as a music major. and as i think of my college career, there is a common threa in all of them: God's faithfulness.

and really, isn't that what this is all about? God has been so faithful to me that i still can't completely comprehend it. but i'm grateful. i'm grateful that He chose to send His son to die for my sins so that i could have a relationship with Him. wow...

thank you, Jesus, for everything you've done for me. thank you for my family, my friends, my church, and my education. your goodness and faithfulness overwhelm me. i love you.

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