Friday, October 15, 2010

i'm older than i look

SOMEHOW my class started a discussion on the year i was born. i don't know how or why, but they thought discussing my age was somehow appropriate. one girl asked, "miss hernandez, what year were you born?"

"i'm not answering that question," i answered.

"just put 1978" said one boy.

"HEY!" i said, before i could stop myself. then of course everyone knew that 1978 was not the correct answer. thus began some outrageous guesses....




hardy har har. out of pure self-defense (and because they're smart enough to figure it out, especially since they already know my age), i broke down and told them my birthdate.

you, however, have to guess.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

aiden michael

i'm a cousin again!

cheli and aaron welcomed their first baby, aiden michel, to the world. i am cloud nine (and i'm not even the mother!). my arms are literally aching to hold this little man.

baby's first mohawk. can you believe all that hair?!

being held by my grandmother, his great-grandmother. he is the most adorable baby ever born. the end.
welcome to the world, baby aiden. you are loved so much!! i can't wait to hold you and love on you. and i really can't wait to tell you stories about your mama :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

nothing's changed

remember this post?

well, nothing's changed.

i haven't had an situation exactly like that in my class. but i think the class i have now may come pretty darn close. they are-how do i put this in a tactful way-a bit "gassier and proud of it" than other classes have been. and though i have gotten quite good at ignoring it (a real pro, i tell ya), sometimes a giggle slips out.

today was one such day. we were in the middle of science, and one student was reading to us about invertebrates when all of a sudden i hear a.....pop. i didn't look up right away because i knew exactly who it was. then i heard a weird noise, then another, and then another. i made the mistake of looking up, and the first person i see is the culprit. her hands are on her cheeks (the ones on her face), her mouth is open, and her eyes are round.

"i tooted."

i only giggled, but i wanted to do much more. after months of holding in laughs, her words sent me over the edge. the good news is that i only laughed for a little bit and it wasn't out loud. but the bad news is that it happened again. oh my word. that time i just put my head down as my shoulders shook silently.
somebody please save me.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

dating habits with anjelah johnson

i absolutely LOVE angelah johnson! i came across this video yesterday and just had to share...enjoy!

Friday, October 8, 2010

overheard in 3rd grade

boy: "my stomach bone hurts"

girl, with obvious disgust: "IT'S CALLED YOUR RIBS!"

we may need to start health a little sooner than i thought.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


for those of you who think that i'm writing this post about someone who loves soccer, maybe someone else who is playing soccer or has something to do with it.

i never in a million years thought that person would be me.

yes, my friends, i am playing soccer. mind you, it's on a beginner level with other ladies who are moms (who also can kick my hiney at the sport), but it still is soccer. there is a soccer ball involved, turf to play on (it's indoor), and me running around trying to catch that elusive ball. not really my idea of a good time.

or is it?

let me start at the beginning. i have some friends who started san angelo indoor soccer here in....well,you know. when i met them, the soccer complex was a little more than an idea to them. i don't think the construction had even begun. well, the building was built, people signed up to play, and business soon took off. one day as i went to visit my friend out at the complex, she mentioned to me that they were starting a beginning women's league and asked if i were interested in joining a team. after i stopped laughing, i politely informed her that i would not be playing soccer any time soon.

creak....groan....don't know what that sound is? it's the oven door as humble pie is being placed in there.

a few nights later, a few other friends are out at soccer, and thinking it would be a hilarious joke, signed me up to play on a team. the team would be made up mostly of moms/teachers/people associated with our school and they thought it would be great fun. obviously, those people have severe brain damage. after throwing a good-sized fit for someone my age, i caved in. i decided that if i absolutely hated the sport (which i knew i already did), i could quit after the first season.

so off i went to the first practice, where i kindly but oh-so-necessarily suggested that we begin with prayer. no such luck. then we actually start practicing. here's where i found out that i have zero skill in the soccer world. i can run, and by run i mean limp in a slighlty faster pace of walking. i wouldn't even call it a power walk. and i couldn't even make it down the field. i think it ended up being thirty (ok, fine-ten) feet. forget actually running and kicking the ball at the same time. i tried a couple of time. but after making a dent in the turf, i decided kicking the ball in soccer was a bit overrated. sort of like being able to dribble and run in basketball. who needs to learn how to kick a soccer ball?

the humble pie is almost finished.

in case you haven't figured it out, my attitude was not what it should be. i whined. i complained. i griped. i almost quit before the season started. but something kept me going. i decided to stick it out.

ding! it's done!

that was two seasons ago. i just started my 3rd season of playing indoor soccer. and guess what? I LOVE IT!!!! i totally didn't see that coming. not only am i exercising (gasp!) but i've made some great friends who are just like challenged! it has been fun. and i'll be the first to say-

humble pie is not that bad.

i have to practice is soon.