Wednesday, May 13, 2009

it hurts

being a first grade teacher hurts. not because it's a bad job, but because my darlings are so brutally honest.

i've told you about the boy who has said he will buy me a husband (haven't i?) and i've told you about the boy who has predicted that i will get married in 2010. (actually it's the same kid.)

well last week our school had their spring concert, and i helped keep them in line, both literally and figuratively, before it started. now earlier that day it had been super hot. i was so hot when i got home that i immediately changed into something cooler and put my hair in a ponytail. my hair was still up when i went to the concert, and one of my girls said to me, "miss hernandez, you look better with your hair up."

relationship advice from a first grader. hair tips from a first grader. what's next? legal advice from a first grader?

1 comment:

A and A said...

no, no legal advice. they think you went to law school remember?