Sunday, August 3, 2008

oh the difference a year makes

last year in june

this year in july

the funny thing is, i look at last year's picture and i can remember exactly what was going on in my life at that time. the night that picture was taken, i felt like i was forced to smile and pretend that everything was ok. of course it wasn't even close. i look at this year's picture, and it was taken right before we went to the visitation for jordan holden. the circumstances were much worse. the difference is that i did a lot of spiritual growing in one year. the circumstances weren't any better, but instead of trying to fix everything on my own, i turned to God. last year's picture will always remind me that while i don't always have a choice regarding situations i find myself in, i will always have a choice whether or not to trust in God.

1 comment:

gulp235 said...

i definitely love the new hairstyle!!! it's just so cute!

funny...i was thinking of writing a blog about how life is so different after a year also... ha ha...