Wednesday, August 27, 2008

mark your calendars, people

the day that i have been waiting for now has an official date.

october 14th.

that is the day that these braces come off!!!!! my orthodontist cracks me up. when he told me that they were almost ready to take the braces off, he said that they could go ahead and make the appointment today, "to start planning your party." those were his words.

he knows me so well. and you'd better believe that i'm throwing a party.


mari said...

Ahh yay! That definitely deserves a party. with Dr. Pepper and M&Ms...

lisoto said...

maybe we can come into town that weekend before they come off to party before since monday is columbus day :)

gulp235 said...

man, i thought you were gonna announce a wedding our something. ;)

gulp235 said...

oh wait... i mean to say "or something"... not "our"... sheesh!!! i need to proofread my stuff!!!

Bethany Hernandez said...

thanks for the clarifying!