Tuesday, August 12, 2008


tomorrow marks my first day of school...as a teacher. since i started in the middle of the year last year, i haven't a real first day of school yet.

now i do.

i am so incredibly nervous. tomorrow i will have a room full of 1st graders who are expecting me to teach them. the problem is that i don't really know anything. i feel so completely inadequate for this job. starting on a wednesday is completely throwing me off, too. it doesn't bode well with my type-a personality. oh well, i'll deal with it.

even as i sit here with butterflies in my stomach, i realize what an incredible responsibility i've been given, and it gives me even more reason to depend on God's strength rather than my own. i know my own weaknesses, and i also know that God can work through me all throughout this year.

the really good news is that i have an aide! she is absolutely wonderful, and has the same personality as i do. that came in super handy when we were putting the room together and she could tell just how i liked things. love it!

ah yes...time to go to bed. have a great week, everybody!


Betty said...

Good Morning Bethany,

This is Mac.

We are praying for you.
God bless you today you are going to do a great job! God uses you and will continue to do so. We also have complete faith in you and your abilities and the power God has to use them and all your talents. I pray for a blessed year and a great first day for you. I pray for God's blessings to be upon you and that the Holy Spirit would guide you as you teach and lead your students. You are an awesome teacher with a great heart for people! In Jesus name! AMEN!

Betty and I will be praying for you. Let us know how it goes.



Betty said...

As you can see I could use a little grammar instruction per my second sentence! Leave it to me to mess it up! Have a great day....Mac

mari said...

Oh Beth,
You are so completely more-than-adequately capable to handle this job. I would trust you to teach Brylie - and that's saying a lot. I'm a spaz when it comes to my baby.
God will give you everything you need to handle these babies and teach them what they need to know. And don't forget the best part...when they're 6 years old, they still LOVE their teacher and just want you to love them back! : )