Friday, August 1, 2008

first night in san antonio, check

so our first night in san antonio was pretty eventful. the six of us set out to eat at the hard rock cafe. we opted to sit outside rather than wait for a table inside. it's was hot but not unbearably so. our server was a trip. he kept telling us to keep "rocking and rolling" and how cute he was. i'm not even kidding. we took to calling him pretty boy throughout the meal.

afterward, we decided to take a boat ride on the river. unfortunately, the maps were wrong as to where to get on them, so we walked for a good 30 minutes before we figured it out. it was worth the wait, though. our guide was funny and so informative. it's been such a long time since we've done something "touristy" in san antonio as a family, so it was nice. i tried to take pictures, but it was already dark that the pictures are not that great. i'll see if i can steal them from joey.

now i need to go to bed and sleep. we're having breakfast tomorrow at mi tierra...yum, yum! i need to get my strength up for shopping too, of course. happy weekend!

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