Sunday, August 3, 2008

change of plans

apparently we love san antonio so much that we decided to stay longer. the plan was that after lunch kelli, joey, ryan and i would head back to san angelo while my parents went to visit one of my aunts. while we were eating, some random lady came up to my dad and asked if we liked baseball. after my dad answered "sure!" she gave him 7 tickets to the san antonio missions baseball game tonight and then walked away. we were shocked. we immediately started planning ways to stay another night. the thing is that kelli has class tomorrow and she HAS to go because she has a test to take. finally we decided to give the tickets away and stick to the original plan.

when the four of us got to leon springs, my parents called with an alternative plan. basically, we're staying another night. tonight my dad and brothers will go to the missions game and mom, kelli, and i get to hang out with kylah! tomorrow half of the family will go back super early in the morning, and the other half will stay here and do some more shopping.

i'm excited!!!!

oh, and something weird that always happens in san parents end up running into someone they know. this trip was no exception. earlier this week they ran into a couple whom they know from the school where i teach. then last night we went to look at cars late at night, and dad ran into one of his minister friends. turns out they had just closed on a deal and were driving away while we were looking at cars. THEN as we were eating at pappasitos today for lunch (double yummy), we saw a family with two boys walking in. one of the boys was wearing a central t-shirt. weird, huh?

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