Wednesday, August 20, 2008

just too stinkin' cute

this afternoon my aide walked into the room with a little clear bag in her hand. i couldn't clearly see what was in the bag because i was too far away. she told me that all of the teachers had gotten one, so she was bringing me mine so i wouldn't have to go back to the office (LOVE her!).

anyway, attached to the package was a paper describing all of our goodies. when i opened it, i saw that i came from our ptf (parent teacher fellowship). i thought it was so cute so i decided to share. =) i know some of you have seen this or something similar, but humor me please!

back to school survival kit
crayon - to color every day bright and cheery
toothpick - to pick out the good qualities in every student
marbles - to replace those you might lose from time to time
eraser - to remind you that everyone makes mistakes and they can be erased
tissue - to wipe away the tears, yours and theirs
ruler - to remind you that success is measured in inches, not feet
band-aid - to heal all hurts
gemstone - to remind you that everyone is a precious jewel
puzzle piece - to remind you that you are a very big piece of every student's life
shiny penny - to remind you that every student will shine in his or her own way
paper clip- for when you need help holding it all together
rubber band - to remind you to be flexible
gum - to help the students stick together
mint - to remind you that we appreciate your commit-"mint"
snickers - to remind you to be a little nutty sometimes
almond joy - to remind you what joy your students bring to your life
mounds - for the mounds of confidence you give your students
payday - to remind you that everyone deserves a reward at the end of the week
hugs & kisses - to remind you that everyone needs a little more love

1 comment:

kj said...

cute! i hope you're having a good year so far! love ya!