Friday, January 8, 2010

a poem. by 3erd grade.*

roses are red
violets are blue
we can't think of anything
nicer than you.
when we are sad
you make us glad
when you are sad
we make you mad.
we love you.
3erd grade

*copied exactly how it was written. how can your heart not melt when you read this?! and these kids are smart, too. they were about to be in some major trouble...

Monday, January 4, 2010


no clue. sometimes my little darlings can act as if they have no clue.

today in class, i wrote some vocabulary words on the board that they had to write in their book. i walked around the class making sure everyone was on task when i came to one girl whose page was completely blank.

"um...what are you doing? why haven't you started writing down your vocabulary words?" i asked her.

"ohhhh." (pause) "wait." (even longer pause) "i'm supposed to be writing this down?" she replied.

but really, that's not so bad as the girl who asked me what to do. i told her that i had just given instructions when she answered with, "well i wasn't exactly paying attention."

and the gray hairs just keep multiplying.

Friday, January 1, 2010

i bet you know what one of my new year's resolutions will be

hello there, old friend.

according to my sources, my readers have been dropping off at an alarming rate. not surprising considering i haven't blogged since OCTOBER! my apologies....

have there been funny stories? yes.
have there been frustrations? yes.
have there been lessons from God? yes.

unfortunately, that's about as big as an update there's going to be. it seems i seriously over-estimated how much i could accomplish in a single semester. the answer is not much. but as i went through the semester, two things became apparent to me. 1) this period in my life is temporary. i will not always be teaching AND going to school at the same time. this may be my life for two years, but not forever. thank you, Jesus! 2) i have learned to depend on God like never before. when the year started, i wasn't expecting how hard everything would end up being, but i've gotten through it because of God only. i have no clue what 2010 will bring (well, more school); however, i want to be able to look back and realize that this was a time where i put my trust in God, not in myself.

but at least one other new year's resolution? blog more.


happy new year, blog friends!